Accreditations and Diplomas
Registered Acupuncturist
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner - Diploma
Certified Nutirition Practitioner
Certificates and Continuing Education
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
2008-Virginia Doran
Matt Callison Sports Medicine and Trauma
Treatment for Obesity with alternative Therapies
by Centro de Estudios en Medicina Tradicional y Complementaria “Acupuntura del Norte” 2011
Master Tung Points for Gynecological Conditions
Henry McCaan
Assisted Reproductive Technology Overview for the Chinese Medicine Professional
Lee Hullender Rubin
Clinical Algorythms for Naturopathic Fertility
Jacklyn Chasse-Smeaton
Labtesting for Fertility Patients: A Comprehensive overview
Leslie Oldershaw
Integrative Fertility Symposium 2021
Healthy Seminars
—Is it that we come in vain to live,
to sprout over the earth? Let us leave at least flowers, let us leave at least songs.”— Nezahualcóyotl
"Traditional cultures have been balancing food for thousands of years. Eating in a way that honours your lineage, or that which you are most inclined to, is the best way to make sure that your meals will always be balanced”
Mariana Noelle